BattSaver FOR IOS 10.2.1: BattSaver is considered to be one of the best battery powers saving Cydia tweak for IOS platform. This is literally an amazing app which cannot just double but it can triple your battery life which is amazing. As you already know BattSaver Cydia tweak can be only used with jailbreak iPhone or iPad device. Well you might be wondering that this tweak is something that won’t work or it’s just a fake. But believe me this app has been used by hundreds of different IOS users and they find it massively useful.
To be frank iPhone and iPad devices do not need any power saving app but sometimes when your device gets old. It might not work for long hours as it used to be and this is when you can use BattSaver Cydia tweak. This is really an amazing IOS battery saving Cydia tweak which can be bought for $4 but it is worth every penny. This guide is about BattSaver Cydia tweak review and how to download it for your iPhone or iPad device.
BattSaver app will automatically switch off or stop the app when not in use and also stop background apps from running. It is proven that this Cydia tweak wills at least double your iPhone’s batter life which is a good thing too. In this way as your device batter life increases, charge cycles will be reduced which might help you from straining to plug the charger in and out.

How to Install BattSaver Cydia Tweak for IOS 10.2.1 – Download BattSaver for iPhone/iPad devices
So now focusing on the important part of the guide, this is to download BattSaver Cydia tweak for IOS device. Actually as I already said BattSaver is a paid app which costs around $4 and you might not be aware of how to buy and install as well. Then read the below instructions where I have written on how you can buy BattSaver Cydia tweak and install it in no time.
- So we have to visit the BattSaver official website from here
- Now buy the Cydia tweak for $4 using credit card or PayPal
- Then the download link will be sent to your Mail
- Copy the link and paste it in your Cydia Repo source section
- After that click on next button and select “BattSaver” and click install button
- Now the app will begin to install on your iPhone device!
Once the BattSaver app is installed you can find that the app is shown on the home screen and can be accessed directly from there. So in case if the app is not shown on the home screen after installing, I advise you to do a reboot. Once the reboot is completed, you can find that the app is successfully installed now.
Once you have added BattSaver Cydia tweak and installed it on your iPhone or iPad device, get ready to save your phone’s battery life to the most. This awesome Cydia tweak BattSaver will give more three times your normal battery life which is the best part of the tweak.