Snapchat Camera Not Working: Today we are going to discuss about one of the most complained issues related to Snapchat. I know many of you do use Snapchat every day and I use it too, to make new snaps and share them with friends. But sometimes we can see that the Snapchat camera not working issue and due to this we cannot apply any filters.
The main feature of Snapchat app is that it can access users either camera and add filters to the face which is a nice thing. But when the Snapchat app is not working and the camera is gone dark, we cannot use the filters. So I thought why not make a guide on how to solve the Snapchat front camera not working issue.

Snapchat Camera Not Working On iPhone 6S Plus 7 Plus
So if you are wondering that the camera not working issue is only with Android users, then you are wrong. It is so because that Snapchat camera not working issue has been reported on both Android and IOS platform as well. And all the methods we are going to show below will work like charm for Android and IOS devices like iPhone, iPad as well.
In order to be clear the issue with Snapchat app related to camera not working has been reported on most of the Operating Systems including Android and IOS. So, we can make use of the below methods or instructions to solve the issue of Camera not working on iPhone 6S Plus and iPhone 7 Plus too.
There is also a similar issue with the front camera and many users have complained that the Snapchat front camera not working problem. When this error occurs, you will not be able to see the camera and the Snapchat camera will go dark.
How to Solve Snapchat Camera Not Working On Android – Snapchat Front Camera Not Working On iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7 Plus
Now let me get straight up to the points that will surely solve this camera not working issue on your IOS or Android device. I have listed out few different methods that you try out to fix this issue.
Method – 1: Update your App
Well this might not come to you as a surprise but most of the time we forget to update our app to the latest version. So, simply go to Google Play Store and search for the Snapchat app, then click on “Update” button to continue.
Once you have updated your app, then restart the device once and then start using the app. Now it will start working properly with the camera showing your face and even the front camera will work.
Method – 2: Allow Snapchat Access to camera
Sometimes we might encounter this problem that the Snapchat app is not able to access the camera. In order to solve this issue we have to let the Snapchat app use the camera.

- First you have to go to Settings and then go to Applications
- After that click on Application Manager and then select the Snapchat App
- Now we have to make sure Snapchat app is able to access camera
- If not, then check camera under the permissions
- Finally close the application manager and run the app!
Finally we have now solved the Snapchat camera not working issue on Android and IOS devices like iPhone & iPad as well. Simply follow the above instructions and with a simple reboot of the app, we can use Snapchat like every day without any problem.
So go on to your Snapchat app and start trying out new filters to share them with your friends and family. If you still got any doubt or feedback to give, then post them in the comment section below.