Popcorn Time Chromecast 2017: Popcorn Time streaming service is known for providing better quality content of Movies and TV shows across the globe. It is a great source to find new and old, trending TV shows, Movies and all in different HD formats right from your Smartphone or Desktop platform. The amazing part about this service is that it is free to use which means we can stream any number of movies and shows without any worries.
Other than this Popcorn Time has been in the streaming industry for a long time and it has millions of content that is ready to be streamed. I guess you might already know that this service works on streaming torrent content, which makes it even easier to control and streaming is quite simple. Well not just streaming but you can even download video content to your Smartphone and Desktop with just one click. I think that streaming Movies and Shows on Smartphone is not always the best option, so why not stream Popcorn Time Movies on Smart TV?

But In order to stream Popcorn Time Movies on TV and Smart TV, we have to use Chromecast which will stream these movies. And this guide is all about how we are going to use Chromecast to stream Popcorn Time Movies on TV and different platforms. And before we continue into the guide we will also be discussing some random problem which is caused while streaming movies with Popcorn Time.
Popcorn Time Chromecast Not Working – Popcorn Time Chromecast No Sound Error
Popcorn Time is just perfect to stream movies on your Smart TV, but while we are at it there are some random errors occurring as well. The most common error is that whenever you try to stream a movie then the app stops working and it does not stream. This problem is quite simple and it can be solved by simply restarting both Chromecast and Popcorn Time apps.
That was the first error, but if a second error such as Popcorn Time Chromecast no sound occurs then the reason behind this issue is streaming app error. It means that Popcorn Time app has to be restarted or needs to be updated since it is not giving output media volume. Also make sure that the media volume is not muted or it volume levels are too low from the player itself.
How To Use Popcorn Time Chromecast To Stream Movies To TV 2017 Guide
Now let us get into the main topic here, which is how to stream Movies and TV shows using Popcorn Time and Chromecast to your TV. Just make sure to follow the below guidelines and you will understand the guide pretty easily.
- So the first step is to download AllCast application for your Android platform
- Next you need to install LocalCast application along with AllCast as well
- Now open your Popcorn Time app and then select a movie to stream and watch
- Then click on “Watch It Now” button and you will be asked to play with a player
- We have to select to play the video with “AllCast” or “LocalCast” app
- After that make sure that the Chromecast has been connected to your Smart TV perfectly
- Simply connect AllCast with Chromecast and start streaming the movie on your Smart TV!
Popcorn Time is one of the famous movie and TV show streaming application that has been released on for Android and other platforms. But if we want to stream Popcorn Time Movies on TV then we have to make use of Chromecast, such that Popcorn Time Chromecast works in order to stream movies to TV.
In this guide we have discussed a simple method which will help you to connect Popcorn Time and stream its movies on Smart TV using Chromecast. I hope you will find this article useful and if you still have any question then post it in below comments section.